Point de vues prises de l'intérieur d'une fenêtre d'un appartement des Argoulets à Toulouse (Sténopé), 2020
Shooting in fixed shot
We can't see anything – or almost.
Because if you look closely, there is something very light and tenuous that comes to life in this almost complete darkness. Something that delimits the nothingness of the almost nothing, and therefore that would be of the order of the "inframince".
It is a question of scrutinizing it to seize it, if only
furtively. Because it is well there that all is played – there is only that –and not elsewhere.
The title is indeed misleading: it does not inform on what is given to see, as it was often the case until the end of modernity.
It only deals with the other side of the picture, i.e. how and where these shots were taken.
We see nothing – or almost nothing – because there is everything to see.