Repentir, 2018

India ink, scalpel and eraser pencil on paper

in a folder with a strap /

29,7 x 21 x 1 cm

       It's an ordinary black folder with strap , which looks like new but has obviously already had some experience: it is wrinkled as are those that have, for a time, carried many papers. There is only one left, a birth certificate.
       Is it real, or is it a sham? At first sight, it is difficult to know. What is certain is that it has been modified: cut, redacted and erased. It is thus partly erased, truncated, with information that remains missing.

       Perhaps the title could tell us more about this work. The term "repentir" is, as is often the case in the French language, polysemous: its religious etymology may indeed hide other meanings – and therefore uses – than the one that originally prevailed.

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